Your Words are your Healer

Words are limitless. They can’t be stopped. Neither in your mind nor even in your heart. You can’t hold them at your end. They will somehow manage to flow out of your mind and heart. What so ever; if you have them in your mind or heart, speak them out in front of others or write them on your diary. If you didn’t, they will keep revolving within you and will try to pump out of you. This pumping will tease and hurt you at times. Once said or written, you will feel happy and relaxed.

The above text seems to be a bit silly and illogical to you. Right? If yes, then that’s partially true. It is silly but it’s not illogical. It has logic behind it. No one in this universe is beyond this silliness. Everyone has the tendency to speak and write, what they have in their minds or hearts. People make friends out of this. They want to share what they feel. They grow their bonding by sharing their thoughts and emotions with someone or the others through their words or via their written notes. This is a healer; the words can’t be kept on hold or hidden within oneself. Thus, speaking or writing them turns out to be a therapy for them. And they feel relaxed once done.

It is just like a flow of a river that keeps on flowing from upstream to downstream. This stream flow is never ending and ultimately it reaches the bay to meet the seashore. The same is the process with thoughts; eventually, this flow of emotional thoughts will heal and settle you down. So, when perplexed or tensed; try to speak your thoughts to someone you trust or write them on a diary. Doing this will help you to exercise your mind to find the solutions from your troubles. Additionally, you will feel comfortable and relaxed. So, never put your words within you, let them flow.


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